After a couple of years of silent time in the field of gaming I decided to invest and purchased Counter Strike Global Offensive (CS-GO) via Steam market. On the previous weekend I had tried slightly my old Counter Strike Source, but it seemed that most of the gamers had moved to play newer CS-GO and games were lame.
Purchasing and installation went nicely, thanks to Steam software and game started to run instantly. I was just a bit worried about my mobile net via my Samsung Galaxy S3 4G and its ping. Even though the connection is 50 Mbit/s 4G with unlimited transfer. Fortunately, ping turned out to be desirable within 25-80 ms range depending on server location. Only some short ping peaks with a maximum value of ~300 ms occurred occasionally. However, these peaks actually started to feel frequent and annoying because they, of course, took place in the most critical moments and ruined whole gaming.
Stopwatch showed that peaks occurred after every ~120 seconds, thus it was not random. Possible reasons for this odd behavior were: game server, server of internet service provider (ISP), mobile phone and operating system (OS). It could not be a game server because other gamers did not share the same pain. I turned off all updates and synchronizations from the phone and OS too, but they did not help. ISP and mobile phone were excluded by testing with another phone (iPhone4) and another ISP which neither removed the problem. Thus, it was Linux Mint 17 Cinnamon 64-bit OS (Cinnamon version 2.2.16 and kernel 3.13.0-39-generic) with high probability.
After googling for a while and getting frustrated about reading tens of discussion threads a solution was found. MAC address for wireless network must be set static so that wireless adapter does not try to refresh connections after every 2 minutes which basically kills the connection for a short time. Setting MAC address static is shown in the pics below.
The problem was totally gone after these actions. From discussion threads it was found that 4G connections of Saunalahti ISP are behind NAT (at least currently) which makes it impossible to host games where others are joining outside the LAN because there does not exist proper IP address. This is just for your information.
Now, after over 10 hours of gaming I am still happy about the purchase and the 4G connection which really can be used for gaming. Based on this experience the advantages of wired ADSL over wireless 4G are negligible. Also the total costs per month are only half from ADSL with 4G. But lets see what happens in the long run.
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